Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Walmart and detention camps

Talking of conspiracy theories, remember this one? For years, right wing conspiracy theorists have claimed that various Walmarts, which have been suddenly closing 'for plumbing repairs', are in reality being taken over by FEMA, who are turning them into detention camps for patriots.

FEMA's association with Walmart started in the eighties with Project Nine Aught Eight, the name of the project to ensure government continuity after a devastating incident (i.e. nuclear war, in those days), when Walmart was one of the major companies consulted. The cover story for the agents' questions was that these big companies all have disaster plans, and so would be able to provide good information. The actual agreements were for rentals of their facilities as bases.

FEMA, as we all know, branched out into less existentially threatening disasters, with results that I'm going to characterize as 'mixed', though I'm sure if you lived in New Orleans or Puerto Rico you'd be less polite. It runs a lot of simulations to check how well it would respond in a real emergency, and these simulations themselves lead to conspiracy theories - because in a fake crisis, you obviously have to employ 'crisis actors' and once you've got them on the books, what other things are they going to be used for? (Nudge nudge wink wink.) The military also run training simulations, and nothing makes patriots more suspicious than soldiers running around in America. A combination of a black president and the Jade Helm 15 military exercise led to much outcry that the military was getting ready to round up good old boys and stick them in...Walmarts. They'd be aided and abetted by Chinese troops who would be outfitted with gear and arms stored in...repurposed Walmarts.

Obama, although remaining sinisterly dusky, did not lock up all the patriots and now we have a new president. We also have hundreds of missing refugee children and several hundred newly separated refugee children. This week we have a US senator trying to get into a supposed detention center for the newer refugee children in McAllen, Texas, housed in a... Walmart.

Look at the Jeff Merkley video. Pretty similar to the one above (minus the apocalyptic music), no?

I can't tell if this means a) The wingnuts are correct and closed Walmarts are detention centers or b) this timeline is being written by a hack who is reusing tropes because they can't come up with a new twist.
Addendum: The camp admits it is real:
1. Project 908
3. 2015 Jade Helm 15 military training theories
4. 2015 Walmart closure theories
5. 2018 Children's detention center claim

1 comment:

Cryostarter said...

I enjoyed reading your blog thanks


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