Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Creative writing class

I've been taking a creative writing class with bunch of very interesting people recently. Some of them are professional writers or editors, some experienced writers and some at a more elementary stage. All of them have something to say, something of interest to others.

I use the 'have been taking', as with the uncertainty over Covid-19, I'm not sure I want to go to a meeting of 15 people, all of whom are, like me, over 50.  If anything happens, we'd go down like ninepins. And Monday this week? No class. The teacher cancelled, because she's sick.

Up until last week we all shared a peripatetic hand microphone. I think the teacher saw me run out of the class and get hand sanitizer as soon as I passed it on after my reading last Monday, because after that she said we should "project" our voices and she put the mic away. 

Good idea. I can project. I don't really want to put a piece of mesh that a dozen people have breathed into against my lips.

Am I over-reacting? I don't know. I worked 30 years in medical testing - including several years in infectious disease testing - and I don't want to share a mic. Make of that what you will.

Anyway, that's not what I originally sat down to say. I wanted to say I'd be sharing some of the pieces I've written for the class. If it ever convenes again. (Next week is spring break and I expect the college to have decided on a policy by the week after that.)

Onward and upward.

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