Sunday, April 09, 2023

Short story announcement: Lokitoo in the anthology Union by Dragon Soul Press

How can you regard them with such equanimity, sister? Soldiers who fired on civilians?”

“They quelled a riot. They ended the looting.”

“But what kind of commander fires on a crowd from orbit? There were police on the ground. That was a demonstration of force, pure and simple.”

“If that is true, it didn’t work, because I am not afraid, and you are defiant. The clique who orders these things knows the emperor protects his citizens. It won’t happen again.”

He rubbed his chin, unwilling to argue with me. “It won’t. No one will forget the day the Intercalary Destroyer Sentry fired on its own people."


A Lyle Hopwood romance tale is now available in the excellent Dragon Soul Press anthology Union. This link can be used to order ebooks or paperbacks at Amazon and elsewhere. 

In this science fiction anthology, love has no limits across space and time. From Artificial Intelligence, aliens, and intergalactic royalty. From headstrong characters fighting the status quo to those struggling to keep afloat in a tumultuous world. One way or another, their love will survive.

Featuring stories by Frank Sawielijew, Kevin A. Davis, Wris Kaye, David W. Landrum, E.B. Hunter, Lyle Hopwood, Amanda Barrett, Katie Kent, T.C. Mill, and Barend Nieuwstraten III.

Graphic sexual content is included within this anthology.

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