Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bouncing Down Tiller Road: A Tale of Bins and Bras

Apropos of nothing much, I remembered the time I was running down the sidewalk of Tiller Road, London, and woman shouted out of an upper window, "You should wear a bra. Den you woudn go bouncin' down de road!"

I remember it because I was wearing a bra at the time but couldn't work out how to get that information across while running for whatever I was late for.  It's less memorable than the time I walked towards the stairwell, saw a woman holding a baby, and said, not unreasonably I thought, "Hello, baby." The woman replied, "F*ck off, you lesbian c*nt." Ah, memories of the East End.

The property was Hammond House, where students from Queen Mary, University of London were housed. It's on my mind because I'm writing a story about a garbage chute. A lot of the properties in London had them. They have access hatches in the stairwell on each floor, which you open and chuck your rubbish into. In theory, it goes down a kind of chimney and lands in a dumpster. In practice, it often looked like the photo below. 

Hammond House dumpster, garbage spilling out. Tina to the left of picture.
Hammond House garbage chute 1979. Model is Tina. Photo by Rosie (I think.)

The thin shafts are easily blocked, and the overall amount of crap residents can throw away has increased massively since these flats were built. 

Hammond House was leveled in 2012. The new block appears to have the same arrangement. Due to the magic of Google Street View (1), you can examine the lack of progress. 

Hammond Rubbish Chute, 2009

Hammond House Gone, 2012

New block
New block Garbage Chutes, 2022

As you can see, the method for ridding yourself of household garbage has yet to be updated significantly.

(1) An exciting story by me combining magic and Google Street View is available in Blood Fiction v2, ed. Mark Sevi.

1 comment:

KaliDurga said...

Ah, I see London is going the way of east coast U.S. cities and putting up new apartments that look like tall storage containers with balconies. The old Hammond House had lovely curved balconies, at least in 2009 if not in Tina's day.


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