Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oh Well

I'm still only half-way through it. But Mick Wall's When Giants Walked the Earth has an interesting insight on Black Dog:

...musos stroked their beards appreciatively over the peacocking, lugubrious riff - originally in 3/16 time, smirked Jones, "but no-one could keep up this that!" - and Plant's acapella vocals, based on Fleetwood Mac's recent hit, "Oh Well"...
Oh Well, of course. One of my favorite tunes but I had never thought about the two of them together. Apart from being in a very tappable four four, it does have a similar structure. Here's Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac with Oh Well.

He's very modest isn't he? He can sing, he is pretty and I like thin legs.

And here's Page himself Oh Welling with the Black Crowes and Joe Perry in 1999. (Thanks, C!)

While I'm here, here's another bit of Peter Green, with a better picture.
Danny's broken a string and Peter just rips this out as an improvisation
while he fixes it. It's spellbinding.

If you've forgotten what Black Dog sounds like ... how could you?... then try this one, the Jimmy-Page-Quick-Costume-Change version.

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