Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Raconteurs, MI Fest, September 17th 2011

Alas I could not fly to the opposite side of the country to see the legendary Raconteurs in concert at MI Fest yesterday. But I've heard about five accounts of their show and the verdict was they ROCKED.

Here is a most extraordinary version of Your Blue Veins.

Does Jack really plant one on Dean Fertita as they leave the stage? With his wife watching from the other side too?

A less snoggy view of Your Blue Veins.

Broken Boy Soldier.

Consoler of the Lonely

It's great to see these guys back in action. I've never seen the Raconteurs but now I'm desperate to do so. Hope the informal tour continues.

Edit: Here's Level.

Little Jack is the coolest person ever.

Astounding stuff.

1 comment:

KaliDurga said...

Man, if he did plant one on Dean, I totally missed it. Drat!


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