Sunday, November 06, 2011

Walking the walk

It's odd to have to get older to appreciate the things we had when we were small.  But today I heard something  from the past that almost certainly influenced my biggest influence.

I love Tyrannosaurus Rex. And I love Beltane Walk.

It dominated my early youth. And now, courtesy of 106 FM, I hear Jimmy McCracklin's The Walk.

It makes me love Marc Bolan all the more.

1 comment:

Noige said...

Bolan always said he nicked bits, rifts and stuff from others. He had a great ability to make it his own though. Despite his influences he was a very unique and talented artist. I remember purchasing the album simply named 'T.Rex' which included Beltane Walk and still love it to bits today.
Keep A Little Marc in Your Heart!
Much Love,


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