It's been uncharacteristically damp for otherwise perpetually sunny southern California. Last week the Marine Layer (as they call mist here) came for a visit and so the place looked like this in the mornings for a few days.
That's a view out of my yard and it looks like I'm in the middle of Washington state wilderness, except the plants are desert yuccas, Mexican Fan Palms and Queen Palms, which are not notably northern trees as it happens. I'm not in the middle of nowhere - there's a mountain[1] with houses on it out there, hidden in the mist.
Also, what's with the vignetting? I didn't do that on purpose and I hope it doesn't mean the camera is on its way out. Perhaps one of the seventeen bazillion settings is "fake vignetting" and I pressed the wrong button on accident[2].
[1] Actually it's more of a big hill, but Misty Big Hill Hop doesn't sound very portentous.
[2] "On accident" is what they say here in Planet Orange County.
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