Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Medusa's Ankles, a short video with Jason Isaacs

The legendary Jason Isaacs, in a short (20 minutes) adaptation of an AS Byatt short story, Medusa's Ankles.  As usual, he's great, but as usual he's not the hero so his character falls disappointingly short in morals, ethics and intelligence.

His smarmy hairdresser is certainly miles away from his ruthless, coarse Zhukov in Death of Stalin (which I forgot to review here), but he's just as compelling.

Alas, the last scene (without Isaacs) is disappointing. I checked the original text, and it's what she wrote - basically boils down to "Oh, your new hairdo...you look beautiful. Why didn't you do that before?" I preferred the meek tiger she was before.  But we can't blame that on Jason. (Or on Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), who directed it.)


For those of you who missed Death of Stalin, here's a taste of Jason Isaacs as Zhukov. It's an odd little film - a lot of moral questions with no answers - but superbly acted and directed.

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