Sunday, July 29, 2018

Current list of great band names for future use

The Sheep Looked at Johnny
G-Clef Wine
Is This Love or Just Confucian?
Llanfair of the Vanities
Pledge of A Legion
Steakhouse of the August Moon
Mucosa Es Su Casa
Mike O'Riza and the Fun Guys
Torc Understeer
St. John the Kangaroo Blues Band
Ike and Turner Corner
Dank Whale
Xie Xie La Femme
Venus in Furze
Duke Newcome
Richard Gere de Lyon
Thelementary Skool
To Your Battered Squaddies Go
Back Florist Ghetto

And a phrase from Mick Farren's Give The Anarchist a Cigarette, where he is disparaging the tent-dwelling boggies (as he calls them) of Phun City:

Ewok Bivouac

On the other hand, if you would like to automatically generate a name, an album title, and an album cover, my blog has a handy meme for generating all three for your first CD here.

1 comment:

Kali Durga said...

Too bad the folks in Car Seat Headrest didn't see this before they named themselves.


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