Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Sunless (short story) now free to read at IZ Digital

Tomey climbs the orbital funicular. Illustration by Juliana Pinho

 My story Sunless is currently in the free-to-read tier at IZ Digital. 

‘Tomey,’ the woman said again. She caught his arm and he let her rush him into a backroom.

‘How do you know my name?’ he said, checking his clothes. It surprised him to see so much blood, and not all of it the thick, dark blood of humankind.

‘It’s not a secret,’ she said.

She was a Kuru. Horns resembling those of a ram, eight of them, curled tightly over her skull like a helmet. She had ten eyes, eight black in two groups of four and two larger, more human eyes beneath.


Illustration by Juliana Pinho.

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