Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I'm in me mum's car (broom broom) redux

 In 2014 I posted a short video of a person in their mum's car (brum, brum). It was a mildly popular, shortlived meme that I just loved for some reason.  (The original write up is here.)

I'm always happy to find out what people are doing years  down the line. Where's Star Wars Kid now? What happened to the little girl with the teeth looking nonplussed in the car? Have any of the people in the Distracted Boyfriend Meme gotten married to each other yet? 

Anyway, we found out what happened to the person in their mum's car.  He came out as a transgender man, and it made the Daily Mail. 

Tristan Simmonds, who was formally known as Trish, won thousands of fans in the 2014 with a skit where he drove his mother's car on the now defunct social media platform, saying: 'I'm in my mum's car, broom broom.'

Since then, the viral star, from Huddersfield, has been updating followers with news about their life - and came out as a trans man in 2021.

In a video shared on Youtube, he explained that he had first come out to his parents in a letter followed by an emotional conversation and that they were supportive of his decision. 

Thought you ought to know.  

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