Saturday, February 22, 2025

The House on the hill opposite That Lights Up At Dawn To Presage The Coming Of Spring: Progress Report 1

The House on the hill Opposite That Lights Up At Dawn To Presage The Coming Of Spring is, alas, invisible.

Maybe there won't be any more springs?

I didn't have much hope for HOTLUAD this year as all the windows appear to have been broken, but nature has drawn a literal and figurative veil over it. There are another couple of days when we *might* get a chance to observe the glow but :(

Tree branches and leaves on the left, mist in the middle and the top of a hedge at the bottom. (View from inside a hedged garden obscured by mist.)
The House on the Hill Opposite, Dawn, February 22nd, 2025
 (house and hill not shown)

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