Friday, January 21, 2011


My favorite punkabilly icon Captain Sean Wheeler, Palm Springs psalmist, played last night in LA with his mate Zander Schloss, best known, I suppose, by his association with the Circle Jerks. Not that I was there - I'm not even going to LA for the Jack and Wanda Jackson shows on Sunday and Monday. No one goes to LA unless absolutely necessary.And I uselessly didn't see any videos of it, so here's an older one.

Sean Wheeler and Zander Schloss - Retablo

That's nice American folk music. The collaboration seems to be good for Sean, most well known for the raucous Throw Rag.

But you know, I'm a rockist at heart, so here's The Dead Weather with Van Morrison's You Just Can't Win, filmed a few months ago. It has one of Alison Mosshart's personal-space-trespassing moments that defined Dead Weather, starting at about the forty second mark.

Then again Jack likes the attention of the chicks. Here's a gif doing the rounds of a moment with Wanda Jackson.

[Couldn't find the gif post-photobucket-debacle, so here's a jpg.]

[Edit: Found it!

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